Friday Favorites


This weekly post takes so much time for me. Throughout the week I’m constantly emailing links to news stories/videos/stores to myself, then Friday morning I try to weed through them and pick my absolute favorites to share. It’s a tough job, y’all 😉

Summer Veggie Flatbread recipe: found here. Mmmm. (This is one of my favorite food blogs, by the way!)

I’m the nurse in your famous shot: from Letters of Note.

Seriously loving these city prints from Loosepetals on etsy. Too bad there’s no Durham, NC. They need to get on that pronto.

If I planned a Dr. Seuss party, would you come?

I’ve never seen “Dirty Dancing”, but it was filmed at Lake Lure in Western NC! This weekend is the 25th anniversary, and there’s a festival tonight at Lake Lure. How could would it be to watch the movie lakeside where it was filmed?! If I started driving now, I could make it there in time… 😉

Bend Your Way to a Better Mood via Women’s Health. Yessss yoga!

NC Athletes beat Canada in Medals count! My state boasts great athletes like Cullen Jones, Nick McCrory, Ricky Berens, Charlie Houchin, Chris Paul, etc. I love NC.

An upper body tabata workout.

More cool typography from etsy.

Probably the “biggest” news story of the week is the upcoming Cow Parade in NC. Apparently there are artists who have created/designed/painted/decorated giant cows. The cows they created then travel the world appearing in Cow Parades all over- Dublin, Cyprus, Prague, Madrid, Istanbul, etc. At some point after the parade of traveling cows, they are auctioned off and have been bought by people such as Ringo Starr and Oprah Winfrey. Despite the silliness it may appear to be, the Cow Parade is a BIG deal. And it’s in the Triangle, of all places. Kinda cool! Who wants to go with me?! 🙂

Cows Gathered Around, Cause the Steaks were so High. The title cracks me up.

Painted Cows to Benefit UNC Children’s Hospital

In college, I would randomly steal naps in the middle of the day in between classes. I updated my facebook status freshman year to “I like naps” one day, and it got so many comments that it quickly became a joke between my friends and me. So when I saw this article: Everything You’ll Ever Need to Know About Napping, I had to share it 🙂 It’s pretty cool, not going to lie!

I entered a contest to win one of these from the Outdoor Provision Company. Makes me want to go hiking and camping!!!

Pina Colada recipe using coconut milk. Oh my lanta. Or should I say “oh my Puerto Rico!” (where they originated)

Are you choosing God’s plan for your life over your own? Who is the Prodigy in You?

Beware of Earbuds!!! via Women’s Health. Very interesting read. Maybe I’m going to stop listening to music while I workout in my driveway.

I love the simplicity & light colors of the jewelry from Ava Hope Designs. I would be happy with any of those pieces *hint hint*

Have you been enjoying Shark Week? Honestly, I love learning about sharks, but it seems like it’s been the same every year- let’s make a fake seal, put it out behind our boat, and see what the Great White does. Or, let’s hop in this shark cage with dead fish all around and see what happens. Duh. But, if you’re a huge fan, feel free to buy a tshirt from the Discovery store!  Or try this drinking game with sweet tea 🙂

After trying a coconut macaroon for the first time this week from Foster’s Market, I’m sold. Thinking of trying this recipe soon!

A vintage, black & white wedding. This is the kind of link my mother sends me on a Friday morning. I don’t know if she’s hinting at something, or merely showing me a cool theme??? #singlegirlproblems

All you Durham folks- only a few more Durham Bulls games this season!!! Here are Wool E. Bull’s 11 Reasons to see the Bulls before the season is over! Hopefully I can make it to a few games…

Well, that’s all I have this week on the link side. In other news, I have a new job!!! My life is going to start getting a lot busier! Hopefully I can handle it. Any free time I have will probably be spent in my favorite hot yoga class or eating froyo. Ok, I kid… in my free time I will be exploring new places in my great state of NC and blogging, of course! 🙂

I already have a post planned for this weekend at some point. Sometimes I get really contemplative and wonder if doing one little thing differently could have changed my life in a big way. Confusing? Wait ’til the post. It’s so random but something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Especially after something that happened last night. Are you intrigued now? 😉

What links have caught your eye this week??? Any fun plans for the weekend?!

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