High 5 For Friday!


If you’re excited it’s Friday, raise your hand!!! *hand raised* This week has been a long one, and I’ve been battling a sore throat/beginnings of a cold all week! I’m so ready for a relaxing weekend, and catching up with friends!


1. The wedding of a dear college friend last weekend was simply beautiful. Everything about it was a perfect reminder of His love. I’m so happy for the newlyweds! (And it snowed on Saturday, so it made it extra beautiful!)

2. A night of worship & prayer at the Summit was just what I needed to start my week! And a Cook-Out run afterwards with fun friends and talking in the car while munching on hushpuppies … priceless!

3. Finding out that my alma mater was ranked 2nd in the nation for best professors was pretty neat. That story was all over my newsfeed on Facebook!

4. I bought a domain and am in the process of getting things set up with my NEW blog. Remember last week’s issue? Yep. I took care of that pronto. Stay tuned for news on the new URL next week! 🙂

5. A sick day was just what I needed. Complete with a green tea frappuccino to help my sore throat!


There were lots of other highlights from the week, that you can find on twitter: veggie burger at Bull McCabe’s, lunch with Ash, supporting Sevenly, seeing Robin Roberts back on GMA, cuddling with a puppy, watching a Hitchcock film (Foreign Correspondent),  and making weekend plans. Yep, this week has been a good one!

Link up with Lauren and share your top 5 from this week!


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